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Prospective Counties

Information about Kepro and joining the utilization review process

Prospective Counties

Why join Kepro for utilization review services?

Kepro is a nationally recognized Medicaid Utilization and Care Management organization currently serving 38 state Medicaid contracts, including California’s Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). We are designated as a Quality Improvement Organization (QIO) and are accredited by the Utilization Review Accreditation Committee (URAC) for Health Utilization Management, Case Management, Disease Management and as an Independent Review Organization.

By providing streamlined, timely and efficient authorization and utilization review services, we aim to support both California county Mental Health Plans (MHPs) and psychiatric inpatient facilities. Kepro will work alongside psychiatric inpatient facilities and MHPs to ensure discharge planning and appropriate stepdown services have been coordinated and are in place for a successful transition back into the community.

We are here to help! 

To learn more information, please contact the California Mental Health Services Authority (CalMHSA) at info@calmhsa.org.

Partner With The Kepro Standards

Customer-first approach

Deep clinical expertise

Agile and flexible

Driven to maximize improve healthcare quality

Focused on quality and clinical outcomes

Technology and data driven solutions

To learn more about Kepro, please visit Learn More

CalMHSA-Kepro UM Kickoff Presentation

Meet the CalMHSA-Kepro team and get all of the details for this inpatient concurrent review and authorization process. The PowerPoint presentation can be accessed below.

CalMHSA Kepro UM Kick-off Presentation

CalMHSA Concurrent Review Policy and Procedure